1,171 research outputs found

    Thermal properties of MgB2: the effect of disorder on gap amplitudes and relaxation times of p and s bands

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    We present thermal conductivity and specific heat measurements on MgB2 and Mg-AlB2 samples. Thermal properties have been analysed by using a two-gap model in order to estimate the gap amplitudes, D(0)p and D(0)s and the intra-band scattering rates, Gss and Gpp. As a function of Al doping and disorder D(0)s rapidly decreases, while D(0)p is rather constant. Gss and Gpp are increased by the disorder, being Gpp more affected than Gss.Comment: 2 pages, 3 figures, presented to the conference M2S-HTSC, 25-30 May 2003, Rio de Janeir

    Tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition in SmFeAsO: a synchrotron powder diffraction investigation

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    The crystal structure of SmFeAsO has been investigated by means of Rietveld refinement of high resolution synchrotron powder diffraction data collected at 300 K and 100 K. The compound crystallizes in the tetragonal P4/nmm space group at 300 K and in the orthorhombic Cmma space group at 100 K; attempts to refine the low temperature data in the monoclinic P112/n space group diverged. On the basis of both resistive and magnetic analyses the tetragonal to orthorhombic phase transition can be located at T about 140 K.Comment: Submitted to: Superconductor Science and Technology PACS: 61.05.cp, 61.66.Fn, 74.10.+v, 74.62.Dh, 74.70.D

    Coupling between 4f and itinerant electrons in SmFeAsO1-xFx (0.15 < x < 0.2) superconductors: an NMR study

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    19^{19}F NMR measurements in SmFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fx_x, for 0.15x0.20.15\leq x\leq 0.2, are presented. The nuclear spin-lattice relaxation rate 1/T11/T_1 increases upon cooling with a trend analogous to the one already observed in CeCu5.2_{5.2}Au0.8_{0.8}, a quasi two-dimensional heavy-fermion intermetallic compound with an antiferromagnetic ground-state. In particular, the behaviour of the relaxation rate either in SmFeAsO1x_{1-x}Fx_x or in CeCu5.2_{5.2}Au0.8_{0.8} can be described in the framework of the self-consistent renormalization theory for weakly itinerant electron systems. Remarkably, no effect of the superconducting transition on 19^{19}F 1/T11/T_1 is detected, a phenomenon which can hardly be explained within a single band model.Comment: 4 figure

    Role of Dirac cones in magnetotransport properties of REFeAsO (RE=rare earth) oxypnictides

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    In this work we study the effect of the rare earth element in iron oxypnictides of composition REFeAsO (RE=rare earth). On one hand we carry out Density Functional Theory calculations of the band structure, which evidence the multiband character of these compounds and the presence of Dirac cones along the Y-{\Gamma} and Z-R directions of the reciprocal space. On the other hand, we explore transport behavior by means of resistivity, Hall resistance and magnetoresistance measurements, which confirm the dominant role of Dirac cones. By combining our theoretical and experimental approaches, we extract information on effective masses, scattering rates and Fermi velocities for different rare earth elements.Comment: 13 pages, 5 figures accepted for publication on European Journal of Physics

    Role of heat and mechanical treatments in the fabrication of superconducting Ba0.6K0.4Fe2As2 ex-situ Powder-In-Tube tapes

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    Among the recently discovered Fe-based superconducting compounds, the (K,Ba)Fe2As2 phase is attracting large interest within the scientific community interested in conductor developments. In fact, after some years of development, critical current densities Jc of about 105 A/cm2 at fields up to more than 10 T have been obtained in powder in tube (PIT) processed wires and tapes. Here we explore the crucial points in the wire/tape fabrication by means of the ex-situ PIT method. We focus on scaling up processes which are crucial for the industrial fabrication. We analyzed the effects on the microstructure of the different heat and mechanical treatments. By an extensive microstructural analysis correlated with the transport properties we addressed the issues concerning the phase purity, the internal porosity and crack formation in the superconducting core region. Our best conductors with a filling factor of about 30 heat treated at 800 C exhibited Tc = 38 K the highest value measured in such kind of superconducting tape. The microstructure analysis shows clean and well connected grain boundaries but rather poor density: The measured Jc of about 3 x 10^4 A/cm2 in self-field is suppressed by less than a factor 7 at 7 T. Such not yet optimized Jc values can be accounted for by the reduced density while the moderate in-field suppression and a rather high n-factor confirm the high homogeneity and uniformity of these tapes

    Consequences of the peculiar intrinsic properties of MgB2 on its macroscopic current flow

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    The influence of two important features of magnesium diboride on the macroscopic transport properties of polycrystalline MgB2 is discussed in the framework of a percolation model. While two band superconductivity does not have significant consequences in the field and temperature range of possible power applications, the opposite is true for the anisotropy of the upper critical field. The field dependence of the critical current densities strongly increases and the macroscopic supercurrents disappear well below the apparent upper critical field. The common scaling laws for the field dependence of the volume pinning force are altered and Kramer's plot is no longer linear, although grain boundary pinning dominates in nearly all polycrystalline MgB2 conductors. In contrast to the conventional superconductors NbTi and Nb3Sn, a significant critical current anisotropy can be induced by the preparation technique of MgB2 tapes

    Influence of carbon substitution on the heat transport in single crystalline MgB2

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    We report data on the thermal conductivity \kappa(T,H) in the basal plane of hexagonal single-crystalline and superconducting Mg(B_{1-x}C_x)_2 (x= 0.03, 0.06) at temperatures between 0.5 and 50 K, and in external magnetic fields H between 0 and 50 kOe. The substitution of carbon for boron leads to a considerable reduction of the electronic heat transport, while the phonon thermal conductivity seems to be much less sensitive to impurities. The introduction of carbon enhances mostly the intraband scattering in the \sigma-band. In contrast to the previously observed anomalous behavior of pure MgB2_2, the Wiedemann-Franz law is valid for Mg(B_0.94 C_0.06)_2 at low temperatures.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figures. Final version to appear in Phys. Rev.

    Tuning topological disorder in MgB2_{2}

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    We carried out Raman measurements on neutron-irradiated and Al-doped MgB2_2 samples. The irradiation-induced topological disorder causes an unexpected appearance of high frequency spectral structures, similar to those observed in lightly Al-doped samples. Our results show that disorder-induced violations of the selection rules are responsible for the modification of the Raman spectrum in both irradiated and Al-doped samples. Theoretical calculations of the phonon density of states support this hypothesis, and demonstrate that the high frequency structures arise mostly from contributions at q0{\bf q}\not=0 of the E2g_{2g} phonon mode.Comment: 4 pages, 4 figure

    Anisotropic critical currents in FeSe0.5Te0.5 films and the influence of neutron irradiation

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    We report on measurements of the superconducting properties of FeSe05Te05 thin films grown on lanthanum aluminate. The films have high transition temperatures (above 19 K) and sharp resistive transitions in fields up to 15 T. The temperature dependence of the upper critical field and the irreversibility lines are steep and anisotropic, as recently reported for single crystals. The critical current densities, assessed by magnetization measurements in a vector VSM, were found to be well above 10^9 Am-2 at low temperatures. In all samples, the critical current as a function of field orientation has a maximum, when the field is oriented parallel to the film surface. The maximum indicates the presence of correlated pinning centers. A minimum occurs in three films, when the field is applied perpendicular to the film plane. In the forth film, instead, a local maximum caused by c-axis correlated pinning centers was found at this orientation. The irradiation of two films with fast neutrons did not change the properties drastically, where a maximum enhancement of the critical current by a factor of two was found